Gheorghe Ponta

Originally from Romania, Gheorghe Ponta is a geologist, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  He earned a Geology degree from the University of Bucharest, Romania (  After graduating, he worked at the Geological and Geophysical Prospecting Company (I.G.P.S.M.S.) Bucharest, Romania, for five years, and Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Bucharest, Romania (, for ten years.  He performed hydrogeologic assessments of thermal and karst water reservoirs including watershed management and hydrogeologic characterization of karstic springs.  In addition, Gheorghe Ponta was project manager for the National Hydrogeological Mapping Program in Karst Areas.

Between 1993 and 2014, Gheorghe Ponta worked with PELA GeoEnvironmental ( in geologic and environmental consulting.  Mr. Ponta has served as project manager at PELA for ground-water investigations and water supply studies.  He has provided specialized support for environmental investigations in karst terrain in United States (Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, Mississippi, and Tennessee), Honduras, and Thailand. He has been responsible for evaluation and characterization of karstic terrain and how its unique features affect geotechnical and hydrogeologic conditions. In 2014 he joined the Geological Survey of Alabama working in the Groundwater Assessment Program (

In 1969 he began caving at “Liliacul” Arad Grotto. Between 1972 and 1993 he was a member of “Focul Viu” Bucuresti Grotto. After moving to United Stated, he joined National Speleological Society ( and Birmingham Grotto (

Gheorghe Ponta este geolog consultant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. El si-a obtinut diploma de licenta in geologie de la Universitatea din Bucuresti (, Romania. Dupa terminarea facultatii,  Gheorghe Ponta a lucrat 5 ani la Interprinderea de Prospectiuni Geologice si Geofizice, Bucuresti (I.G.P.S.M.S.), si 10 ani la Institutul de Geologie si Geofizica Bucuresti ( El a participat la studii hidrogeologice in zone cu ape termale si carstice. In cadrul I.G.G. Bucuresti, a lucrat in programul de Elaborare a Hartilor Nationale Geologice, Metalogenetice, si Hidrogeologice, fiind parte din echipa de redactare a 5 harti hidrogeologice in zone carstice, scara 1:50,000.

Intre 1993 si 2014, Gheorghe Ponta a lucrat la P. E. LaMoreaux and Associates (, o firma de consultanta in domeniul geologic si al mediului. Gheorghe Ponta a participat in proiecte legate de alimentari cu apa si evaluarea apelor subterane carstice. El a participat deasemenea in proiecte de investigare a terenurilor carstice in Statele Unite (Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, Mississippi, and Tennessee), Honduras, si Thailanda. El a fost responsabil pentru evaluarea si caracterizarea terenurilor carstice si modul cum formele carstice afecteaza conditiile hidrogeologice si geotechnice ale acestor zone. Incepind cu 2014 lucreaza la Geological Survey of Alabama, departamentul de ape subterane (

In 1969 Gheorghe Ponta a inceput speologia la clubul “Liliacul” Arad. Intre 1972 si 1993 a fost mebru la clubul de Speologie “Focul Viu” Bucuresti. Dupa mutarea in Statele Unite,  a devenit mebru la National Speleological Society ( si Birmingham Grotto, Alabama (
