Polje (polie)
Polje is a large closed depression with a flat floor covered by alluvium, traversed by a stream/river. A karst spring feeds the stream/river, which sinks underground on the other side of the polje. During heavy rains, when the swallow hole (ponor) that drains the stream/river cannot manage the runoff, an intermittent lake is formed. Polje size ranges between hundreds of meters up to tens of kilometers. The main distinction between a polje and a closed depression is the presence of a stream/river, which flows across the polje. The polje means field in Serbo-Croatian. For polje, the Spanish term hoya (hoyo) is used in Cuba, and wang in Malaysian.
Polia este o depresiune inchisa cu fundul plat acoperit de depozite aluvionare, traversata de un piriu/riu. Un izvor carstic alimenteaza piriul/riul, care se pierde in subteran in partea opusa a poliei. In sezonul ploios, cind ponorul care dreneaza piriul/riul nu mai face fata volumului de apa, se formeaza un lac temporar. Dimensiunile poliei sint cuprinse intre citeva sute de metrii si citiva zeci de kilometrii. Principala deosebire dintre o polie si o depresiune inchisa este prezenta unei retele hidrografice proprii. In spaniola, termenul de hoya (hoyo) este folosit in Cuba si wang in Malaysian.
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